Regina vs. SR
On the 1st November 2013, SR appeared before the Crown Court at Manchester where he pleaded guilty to an offence of rape. He was sentenced to a term of 12 years imprisonment with an extended licence period of 5 years. We did not represent SR at the time he was sentenced. Instead, SR chose to instruct us many months later by which point his legally aided lawyers had advised him, in writing, that he had no grounds to appeal against the sentence.
SR, with the assistance of his family, chose to meet our costs on a private fee paying basis. Shaun Draycott carefully assessed the circumstances of his case before producing a 23 page argument which was supportive of an appeal against the sentence that had been imposed.
We are delighted to confirm that the Court of Appeal recently reduced the sentenced by 2 ½ years. This was an outstanding victory for SR and for Draycott Browne Limited and we look forward to enjoying similar successes, for other clients, in the future.
Before leaving the case of SR, it may be appropriate for us to reflect upon the benefits of funding a case on a private fee paying basis. Legal Aid, in our judgement, should be available to all persons appearing in the Crown Court, irrespective of their means. The same should apply to persons seeking to appeal against a conviction or sentence. Regrettably, however, due to budgetary constraints imposed by successive Governments, the Legal Aid Agency cannot and will not pay for what might be referred to as a “Rolls Royce” service. We were able, in the case of SR, to commit ourselves to a standard that would not have been available to a legally aided Appellant. Regrettable as this is, it is a reflection of the position with regard to the funding and presentation of appeals in 2017.
If you require the services of one of the UK's leading Criminal Defence Law Firms and would like further advice and assistance relevant to the services provided by the Private Client Department at Draycott Browne Limited, you should not hesitate to contact Shaun Draycott on 0161 228 2244 or 07703 211700: e-mail: Shaun.Draycott@draycottbrowne.co.uk