Huddersfield Giant Winger, Gene Ormsby
"Shaun Draycott conducted the successful representation of Rugby League Professional, Gene Ormsby, in relation to proceedings brought against him under the Dangerous Dogs Act....."
"Mr.Draycott assisted Huddersfield Giants Star, Gene Ormsby, throughout these proceedings. Mr. Ormsby appeared before the Justices at Tameside in relation to proceedings brought against him under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Mr. Ormsby's dogs, it was accepted, had caused injuries to others. The issue for the Court was whether they should be destroyed.
Mr. Draycott, having taken full instructions from Mr. Ormsby, presented carefully crafted submissions to the Court and his observations were supported by expert evidence given by a Consultant in Animal Behaviour. This was, on any analysis, a deeply emotional case given the injuries regrettably suffered by other animals. In conclusion, however, the Court was persuaded not to make Destruction Orders in relation to Mr. Ormsby's dogs though he was ordered to pay sums by way of compensation.
If you require legal represention from one of the leading Criminal Defence Law Firms in the country, call Draycott Browne and speak to one of their highly-skilled Criminal Defence Lawyers.
"We were delighted to offer advice and assistance to Mr. Ormsby and we wish him well for his future career."