Second Opinion in Criminal Defence Cases
If you are facing criminal charges of any nature, it is crucial that you have 100% confidence in the legal professional that you have chosen to represent you. If you are in any way unhappy with the criminal defence solicitor you have – maybe you have lost confidence in them, or are wondering whether a different solicitor may be able to offer you a stronger chance of a successful outcome – then it makes sense to consider seeking a legal second opinion.
At Draycott Browne, we often provide people with an expert legal second opinion on their case. Some people are looking for reassurance, whilst others may have concerns about advice that they have been given and are wondering whether their current representation is a good fit for them. There is no harm to be done in seeking a legal second opinion, especially where the stakes are potentially high.
Our expert legal team have over two decades of experience of building outstanding defence cases for clients across a wide range of areas of law, and we are well placed to offer you a well-considered and comprehensive assessment of your situation. If, having heard what we have to say, you decide that you would prefer to transfer your case to us, the process is usually simple and straightforward, and one of our dedicated team will be happy to guide you through it.
Why seek a second legal opinion?
If you have been charged or arrested, particularly if this happened without any warning, you may have just used the services of the duty solicitor that was offered to you at the time. However, given time to process what has happened, you may be wondering whether this was the right course of action and questioning whether it is in your best interests to look into other options. The available duty solicitor may not have had sufficient experience in the particular area of law that you needed at that time, so you may well find that with more time to explore your options that better representation is available.
Using a solicitor with specialised experience in the right area of law for you can have a number of benefits. It strengthens your chances of avoiding charges, negotiating a lesser charge, or being found not guilty. If convicted, they can be your best chance at getting the most lenient sentence available to you. With so much at stake, it stands to reason that you would want to be sure that the representation that you have chosen is right for you.
Should I transfer my case?
If you feel that you would benefit from appointing a more experienced criminal defence solicitor, or one with specialist knowledge, you absolutely have the right to transfer your case to a new legal representative. There are many reasons that you might consider doing this. Perhaps your solicitor:
- has damaged your confidence in them by making an error that has harmed your case
- is not available to you when you need to speak to them, or is slow to respond to you when you have urgent questions or need help
- has not listened to you or correctly followed your instructions
- has failed to turn up to appointments, or not been present in court as required
- is suggesting a strategy that you do not agree with
- does not have the level of experience that you would expect in relation to the specific charges that you are facing, which is particularly concerning if the charges against you are particularly complex or serious
- has not explained the details of your case and your available options to you in a clear and comprehensible manner, leaving you questioning what is happening and whether there are any specific actions that you should be taking
It is also possible that perhaps you just do not like the solicitor that you are currently with, for whatever reason, and that you would have a better working relationship with someone else. Whatever the reasons are for considering seeking a second opinion, your criminal defence is too important to be left to chance. If you don’t trust or do not like the representation you have, you should seek guidance as early as you possibly can, so that you can assess whether you would be better served by transferring your case to new representation.
If I already have a solicitor, is it possible to change?
Many people who already have legal representation change their minds and transfer their cases, whether they have only just appointed a solicitor, or whether they are significantly down the road in terms of legal proceedings. Whilst you can change solicitors at any time, there are key moments where we commonly see people questioning their representation. These include the point of rearrest, or being summoned to the police station for a second interview, the time that charges are made, or following a conviction where a client wishes to seek an appeal.
If, having spoken to us, you decide that you would prefer us to represent you, the process of transferring your case is relatively straightforward, although it may differ depending on whether you are in receipt of legal aid. For a full and bespoke assessment of your options, get in touch with us today – one of our legal team will be able to advise you as to the options available to you.
Why Choose Draycott Browne?
If you are questioning the legal representation that you have, looking for a legal second opinion or are considering moving your case to a new defence solicitor, you need to speak to Draycott Browne immediately.
The lawyers at Draycott Browne, are widely recognised as one of the North of England's leading team of criminal defence lawyers with specialist Criminal Defence expertise.
As one of the leading Criminal Defence Law Firms with an outstanding track record, we have extensive experience of defending clients on a wide range of charges, including fraud, serious crime and sexual offences. Our in-depth knowledge of criminal defence cases means that we are the smart choice for anyone seeking a legal second opinion in relation to the charges they face. We offer clear, pragmatic advice in an empathetic way, and make sure that we offer the highest standards of client care. We are contactable 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can be sure that whenever you need to speak to us, we are here for you. Contact our team today.
Our team regularly act for clients in London and throughout Midlands and of course the North West including clients from Birmingham and Liverpool. By entrusting us, you can be assured that you will be working with a team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers who have a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the law.
We will always give you no-nonsense, clear advice, and make sure that you are fully informed and understand your situation and what you need to do to give yourself the best chance of success.
If you would like a legal second opinion, or to discuss transferring your case, please reach out to one of our dedicated criminal defence team immediately for the guidance and advice that you need – your call will be confidential, and you are under no obligation to act on the advice that you are given.