Carbon Credit Trading Investment Fraud Solicitors UK
Carbon credit fraud is a serious crime that was investigated vigorously by the police only a few years ago. Prosecutions have continued, with those found guilty of improperly claiming carbon credits from the Department of Energy and Climate Change facing severe consequences.
If you have been charged or arrested with carbon credit fraud or have been invited to speak formally or informally with the police regarding a carbon credit case, you should refrain from speaking to any officers until you have discussed your circumstances with a trained fraud defence solicitor.
After an investigation has begun, all police officers speaking to you will be on the search for evidence to use in any preceding trial, and any information you offer could be interpreted as evidence.
We encourage you to enlist the help of a qualified, experienced, and diligent carbon credit solicitor as soon as you discover that you have been, or will be, implicated in any kind of carbon fraud credit case.
What are carbon credits?
Carbon credits are tradeable certificates that represent the removal of one tonne of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. By owning a carbon credit that represents the removal of one tonne of carbon dioxide (or an equivalent greenhouse gas from the atmosphere), companies are able to release that same amount back into the atmosphere. In that way, although carbon credits were produced against companies' carbon expenditure, they have become viable means of simply offsetting one's carbon footprint.
Carbon credit fraud
The trading of carbon credits is not illegal. Companies are free to purchase carbon credits from other countries, or fund operations that produce carbon credits that they can sell on. In this way, the trading of carbon credits can be profitable. However, for sellers of carbon credits to make a profit, they generally must sell large amounts of the certificates, which are entirely electronic, and therefore difficult to trace. Conversely, those who trade in only small amounts soon find that their carbon credits are almost worthless in the global market.
Carbon credit cases typically involve companies selling small amounts of carbon credits to potential investors, the likes of whom can be sourced through establishing a call centre cold-calling random individuals, as well as through more targeted selling. Generally, the individuals are told that they can invest a certain amount of money into the carbon credit business and, in return, take a share of the profit garnered when the carbon credits are sold. In these situations, however, it's very unlikely that the carbon credits - if they are real - will ever provide the amount of financial return that the investor was promised. It's also possible that the credits could be fake, since they are only available as electronic documents.
Given that electronic carbon credits can be passed easily across the world, it is unsurprising that many companies that sell them are set-up overseas, employing sellers within the UK to sell the credits on their behalf. In this scenario, it can be very easy for people to unknowingly become embroiled in a carbon credit selling scheme. In fact, our experience shows that employees of the company rarely have any knowledge of the company's fraudulent nature, let alone that they have personally engaged in any wrongdoing. If you have been accused or embroiled in a carbon credit case, we understand how stressful and worrying the situation is likely to be for you, and we encourage you to contact a member of our experienced team as soon as possible. Your solicitor will be able to consider the unique intricacies of your case and, if necessary, plan a defence that will be tailored to get you the best possible outcome.
Many of the issues associated with carbon credit fraud are extremely complex, making it essential for you to enlist the help of an experienced solicitor experienced in carbon credit fraud as soon as possible after you become aware that a criminal case could be being pursued.
What are some other types of carbon credit fraud?
EU tax fraud can occur when credits are traded between companies. The complicated nature of selling electrical carbon credit certificates across countries can cause tax misunderstandings to occur. If you have been charged with carbon credit fraud for EU tax fraud, contact our team as soon as possible to speak to a solicitor who is experienced in this field of the law.
Fraud of documentation can occur when the documents certifying the existence of the carbon credits are not legal. Credits that are not obtained through the proper channels are considered stolen goods, and charges can be levied against those involved in the theft of the carbon credit certificates. Fraud can occur when the credits are unregulated or not standardised, but are sold as though they are to companies or potential investors.
Ultimately, there are many examples of carbon credit fraud, and each one is entirely unique. If you have been accused of, charged with, or arrested for carbon credit fraud, then you should speak to a solicitor as soon as people to discuss your individual case and receive diligent expertise that is tailored to your unique circumstances.
What if I have been falsely accused?
Mistakes do happen, and fraud cases have occurred where people have been unfairly brought into criminal cases after their names or bank accounts have been illegally and fraudulently used to benefit illegal activities and hide the identities of the true perpetrators.
If you have been falsely accused, you may wonder whether there is any reason to avoid talking to the police, or to instruct a solicitor to work on your behalf. It is important that, even in cases where someone has been falsely accused, that expert advice is sought from a lawyer.
The jargon used by the police and the complicated nature of carbon credit law can make it difficult for an accused person to remain unfazed by the charges put towards them, but a criminal carbon credit solicitor from Draycott Browne will be well-versed in the complex law of carbon credit fraud, and will be well-placed to help resolve any confusion that has mounted, and clear your name quickly.
There have been cases in the law where the police have attempted to charge a person with carbon credit card fraud to unmask the real perpetrator; a skilled solicitor would immediately be able to see through any suspicious activities being carried out by the police.
What should I do if I have been arrested or charged with carbon credit fraud?
We encourage you to enlist the help of a qualified, experienced and diligent carbon credit solicitor as soon as you discover that you have been, or will be, implicated in any kind of carbon fraud credit case.
Even if you don't know many details yourself, your solicitor will be able to begin work straight away to identify the situation you are in and begin to plan for the best possible scenario. Our solicitors are highly experienced in the complicated field of carbon credit fraud, having represented many individuals charged under this confusing array of law; as such, if you have been charged, arrested, or investigated, you should contact us as soon as possible to seek advice and, where necessary, begin your defence.
You do not need to wait until you are formally charged or invited to discuss your situation with the police to instruct a solicitor; in fact, it is best, wherever possible, to speak to a solicitor before a police interview, and you should never engage with an officer about the case unless you have the backing and support of a trained legal counsel, such as a Draycott Browne carbon credit fraud defence lawyer.
You have the right to refuse to speak to the police, and you should enact this right until you have spoken to a solicitor and have their support during any meetings. It may be that you had no involvement whatsoever and a chat with a solicitor will help to resolve things easily and remove any confusion.
It is also unlikely that, without the presence of a solicitor, you will be able to access important information, both during the initial investigation, and after. A solicitor, on the other hand, is likely to be allowed access to this information, which they will use to not only inform you of the situation you are in, but also to begin to mount a defence. Furthermore, there are likely to be complicated discussions about the ins and outs of the laws involved, lots of which will need to be understood, translated, and tackled by an experienced solicitor.
During investigations, the police typically endeavour to access many areas of the accused's personal life, including their home, their bank accounts, their social media profiles, and even their NHS records to prove relationships and contacts with other people. This can be extremely stressful, and only a trained lawyer skilled in the law and competent in handling the police and their documentation will be able to help stop this from happening, or help to make it as bearable as possible for you to endure while the case continues.
What are the ramifications of committing carbon credit fraud?
If you are found guilty of committing carbon credit fraud, you could be sentenced to imprisonment.
The crime of carbon credit fraud is incredibly serious, and the punishment sentence reflects this severity; in some cases, carbon credit fraud cases have resulted in a prison sentence of 10 years.
For those who are found guilty but who are not imprisoned, a severe fine could be given.
Some people receive both.
We understand that this is likely to be an extremely stressful, worrisome, and confusing time for you and your family, which is why it's vitally important that you have someone trained in this area of the law and in handling such serious cases by your side throughout. Here at Draycott Browne, we have a wealth of experience in successfully defending carbon credit fraud cases, and our expert carbon credit fraud defence solicitors are diligent in their exploration of this complicated area of law, having become experts in their field.
What are mitigating factors?
In a criminal case such as carbon credit fraud, the onus is on the prosecution to prove that you knowingly and illegally committed the crime with which you have been charged. They will need to satisfy the court's question of whether you truly understood the illegality and implications of your actions. When deciding whether to find you guilty of the charge, or to give you a prison sentence or a fine, the judge will consider your unique circumstances. Mitigating circumstances are those which might explain why you behaved in a particular way, and they may be viewed by the judge as reasons to reduce your sentence in some way. For example, the judge will potentially consider whether this is your first offence, whether you have any disabilities or mental incapacities that may have reduced your ability to understand the implications of your actions, whether it was out of character for you to commit the crime and you were unduly provoked in some way to commit the crime, or whether you had a minor role compared to other people.
How can Draycott Browne Solicitors Help?
Our solicitors who deal with carbon credit fraud are uniquely placed to help individuals facing charges like these. Our team of excellently trained professionals are well-versed in what is, to many solicitors, a complex and difficult part of the law; as such, they have the competence and proficiency required to represent you and your case.
We will ensure that every element of the prosecution's narrative has been carefully scoured and scrutinised, and we will work with you to help build defences that counteract any evidence they may have collected. As well as considering the prosecution's evidence, we will also begin to collect our own evidence, utilising the expertise of fellow professionals such as forensics experts and financial experts to undermine the prosecution's narrative and solidify a credible defence that you can use in court.
We will also be by your side during discussions with the police and in other investigations, working solidly on your behalf to cut through legal jargon and provide the highest degree of rebuff and defence.
As well as helping you with your court case and any proceeding investigative interviews, we will also work to ensure that all restraint orders, seizure notices and warrants are fully legalised and appropriate.
What will happen after I instruct Draycott Browne's lawyers?
After you formally instruct us to help you in your case, your own unique lawyer will be assigned to your case. Our friendly team will be available for you to discuss your worries and concerns with, and there will always be an approachable member of staff available to handle any queries you may have. We will ensure that you are fully aware of your situation. We will cut through any legal jargon and ensure that you are kept constantly abreast of developments. We will also ensure that you and your family are well-prepared for any potential outcomes.
Our efforts will be supported by a competent team of specialists, many of whom may be brought in to help build your case.
If you are considering instructing Draycott Browne as your carbon credit defence solicitors, contact us today to discuss your case, you will receive help, advice and support, with our aim being to help you through your time of difficulty and secure you the most favourable outcome.
Contact our Carbon Credit Fraud Solicitors
If you are under investigation for carbon trading fraud, contact our specialist criminal defence lawyers for advice today. Our Fraud Lawyers have significant expertise in these cases and will be able to provide you with the best-possible advice and support.
We take great pride in our dedication and professionalism. We are relentless in the pursuit of achieving the best result possible for all of our clients and will continuously work hard on your behalf with an attention to detail and tenacity that is second to none.
We have over 25 years of experience in this area of law. Our track record in even the most complex and sophisticated of cases shows that you’ll have the best possible chance of a successful outcome to the challenge you are facing.
Draycott Browne is one of the UK's top criminal defence law firms. We regularly provide specialist criminal defence representation in cases involving insider trading to clients in Manchester, Liverpool, London, Birmingham and throughout the whole of England and Wales. When facing serious consequences, trust in Draycott Browne. You cannot afford to settle for anything less.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with solicitors committed to providing first-class representation for every client. If you or somebody you know has been arrested and needs expert legal representation, call Draycott Browne today on +44 (0)161 228 2244