Specialist Pension Fraud Defence Solicitors
At Draycott Browne, we have a specialist team of experienced fraud solicitors which includes expert Pension Fraud Solicitors who are able to provide advice and representation to anyone accused of committing pension fraud.
Allegations of pension fraud involvement can be extremely damaging to the reputations of both a company and an individual so it is vital that you respond quickly to any accusations and seek immediate legal advice.
Pension fraud is such a complex area that you will require the representation and specialist services of a legal firm like Draycott Browne. Our solicitors have the significant experience and expertise that you should expect from your legal team and we can provide you with a bespoke service, tailored to the individual requirements of your specific case, to ensure the best chance of a successful outcome for you and your business.
We have a proven track record of successfully defending some of the most difficult and serious cases of pension fraud so if you are facing charges of this nature call Draycott Browne today on +44 (0)161 228 2244 or complete our online enquiry form and receive the advice and support you need.
How can our pension fraud solicitors help?
Pension fraud is a particularly complex area of the law but the significant experience of our legal team, combined with their un-rivalled knowledge and understanding of all the relevant legislation, ensures that Draycott Browne is best placed to provide you with in-depth legal advice and assistance throughout.
We have a strong track record for defending allegations of pension fraud and work with forensic accountants, IT specialists and financial industry experts to help build compelling evidence and documentation to strongly defend charges of this kind.
We can help with:
- Preparing you for police interviews.
- Securing bail on your behalf.
- Dealing with search warrants and other orders.
- Preparing you for an interview with the investigating body.
- Building a robust defence.
- Representing you in court.
- Preparing an appeal where necessary.
Draycott Browne is highly regarded across the legal profession and has a reputation for achieving consistently excellent results. We understand the stress that being under investigation can place on an individual and we strive to minimise the worry and disruption caused to you and your business as much as possible.
We take great pride in our professionalism and dedication and will work tirelessly to protect your rights, your business and your reputation with the aim of bringing any investigations to a successful conclusion.
We approach all our cases with the tenacity and attention to detail that is second to none, providing you with the best, most pro-active and most effective defence available.
Our lawyers are some of the most highly skilled in the business, so you can be confident of knowing you have a first-class legal team behind you.
WHta is pension fraud
Pension fraud usually occurs in one of two ways: Either because an employer has acted fraudulently in the providing of pension benefits or payments or due to a scam aimed at stealing a person’s pension fund.
Pension fraud committed by an employer can include:
- Diverting employee payments into another account.
- Misrepresenting the amount of money someone claiming their pension will receive each month.
- Creating false accounts for fake employees and obtaining fraudulent pension payments.
Other examples of pension fraud include:
- Mis-selling personal pensions.
- Encouraging early release of cash from pension funds.
- Stealing money from pension funds.
- Abusing power of attorney privileges.
- Claiming benefits under a pension scheme for which the claimant is un-entitled.
What are the penalties for pension fraud?
The severity of the penalties handed out will depend on the level of fraud committed and with consideration of the harm caused and the culpability of the perpetrator.
Punishments for committing pension fraud can range from community orders and substantial fines through to lengthy prison sentences.
If a civil lawsuit is brought, the responsible party will typically be made to pay damages to the victim to help them recover lost funds or benefits but where criminal charges are involved, especially in cases of large-scale business fraud where tax fraud and other business crimes may be involved, custodial sentences are likely.
Legal aid
If you are an individual who has been accused of pension fraud and you need legal advice but are worried about the cost, Draycott Browne can help you apply for legal aid. If your application for legal aid is successful, you will no longer need to worry about the financial repercussions of your case so get in touch with our team for more information.
Contact our Pension Fraud Solicitors
If you are under investigation for pension fraud, contact our specialist criminal defence lawyers for advice today. Our Fraud Lawyers have significant expertise in these cases and will be able to provide you with the best-possible advice and support.
We take great pride in our dedication and professionalism. We are relentless in the pursuit of achieving the best result possible for all of our clients and will continuously work hard on your behalf with an attention to detail and tenacity that is second to none.
We have over 25 years of experience in this area of law. Our track record in even the most complex and sophisticated of cases shows that, with Draycott Browne on your side, you’ll have the best possible chance of a successful outcome to the challenge you are facing.
Draycott Browne is one of the UK's top criminal law firms. We regularly provide specialist criminal defence representation in cases involving pension fraud to clients in Manchester, Liverpool, London, Birmingham and throughout the whole of England and Wales. When facing serious consequences, trust in Draycott Browne. You cannot afford to settle for anything less.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with solicitors committed to providing first-class representation for every client. If you or somebody you know has been arrested and needs expert legal representation, call Draycott Browne today on +44 (0)161 228 2244