Criminal Defence Solicitors for County Lines Drug Dealing Offences
If you or someone you know is facing allegations or charges of committing a county lines drug dealing offence, it's important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. County lines drug offences usually involve the transportation of drugs, typically from urban areas to rural locations, using children or vulnerable individuals to carry out illegal activities. These offences can carry severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and substantial fines.
At Draycott Browne, we have many years of experience in defending county lines offences; we understand the complexities of these cases and can provide expert guidance throughout the legal process. From advising on your rights during questioning to representing you in court, you can be assured that the defence team at Draycott Browne are committed to securing the best possible outcome for your case.
When facing charges for county lines offences, it's important to remember that you have the right to remain silent and seek legal representation. Speaking to the police without a Serious Crime Solicitor present can jeopardise your case and potentially incriminate you further. By seeking legal advice, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best possible defence.
What is a county lines drug offence?
“County lines” refers to the organised use of children and vulnerable adults to traffic drugs and to move, store and carry cash, usually from urban areas (often cities like Manchester, Liverpool or London) across counties and into rural areas. County lines gangs will often use violence (including sexual violence) coercive behaviour, and intimidation.
The children targeted by criminal gangs for use in county lines drug dealing often tend to be vulnerable; they might be living in care, have unsettled or troubled relationships with their family, or may be targeted because they are homeless. It is estimated more than 46,000 children in the UK may be involved in criminal gang activity, which also includes drug dealing for county lines gangs.
What are the penalties for committing county lines drug offences?
County lines gangs typically engage in a wide range of criminal activities, so there are multiple specific charges that might be brought, depending on the circumstances of an individual case. The most frequently seen charges related to county lines involve drug offences, such as conspiracy to supply Class A drugs, and possession with intent to supply.
Depending on the severity of the alleged offence, the accused may be tried in either the Magistrates Court or the Crown Court, with a potential maximum sentence of life imprisonment and an unlimited fine if found guilty.
Anyone instrumental in operating a county lines scheme may face charges under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which outlines offences involving modern slavery, human trafficking and offences related to the arrangement or facilitation of the travel of another person with the intention of exploitation (and whether or not the victim consented to the arrangements is irrelevant to the charge). The maximum sentence for charges such as this is up to ten years imprisonment, but if the case involves kidnapping or false imprisonment, that sentence can rise to life imprisonment.
Gang injunctions under the Policing and Crime Act 2009 may be implemented to restrict individuals from visiting specific locations. County lines criminal activity often involves the use of firearms and other weapons to coerce vulnerable individuals into trafficking drugs, and where this is the case, laws relating to firearms and weapons offences may be used. In addition, as women are often disproportionately affected by the use of coercive control and sexual exploitation to force them into drug trafficking and gang activity, specific charges relating to violence against women and girls may be brought.
Is there any legal defence available for county lines drug offences?
In the case of a child being apprehended for drug dealing offences related to county lines, they will often be regarded as a victim of child exploitation, rather than as criminals acting with free will. If this defence is accepted it may see the child released without penalty, or at least facing massively reduced penalties. However, in the United Kingdom, the age of criminal responsibility is ten, and it is not uncommon for them to be treated as offenders and charged accordingly.
Where a county lines gang has targeted a vulnerable adult, whether they have a learning disability or mental health issue, their defence will often involve demonstrating that they were exploited by the criminal gang, and were not participating willingly in the operation.
If you find yourself facing conspiracy to supply drugs charges, it may be the case that you simply were not aware that an activity you were involved in was part of a criminal operation, or that you found yourself unknowingly caught up in conspiracy charges through no fault of your own – perhaps your car or property was used by a criminal gang, and you were not aware of what they were being used for. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, speak to one of our criminal defence team as soon as possible; we have extensive experience of defending county lines drug charges and we make sure that no possible angle of defence is overlooked.
What are my rights if arrested for county lines drug offences?
If you or someone you know has been arrested, or invited to the police station for an interview regarding county lines drug dealing, it's crucial to understand your rights. As a suspect, you have the right to obtain legal advice, and it's imperative to wait for a county lines solicitor to guide you through the interview process.
Our experienced criminal defence solicitors are available around the clock, 365 days a year, to offer legal assistance and support to those facing charges related to county lines drug dealing. We advise our clients not to answer any questions related to the alleged offence until our legal representation is present. Any statements made during the interview can be used as evidence against you, making it critical to have a solicitor present to protect your legal rights.
Contact us immediately if you or someone you know requires legal assistance related to county lines drug dealing charges. We are ready to offer our expertise and guidance to ensure that you get the best chance of a good outcome.
How can Draycott Browne help?
If you have been charged with a county lines drug offence, we fully understand the stressful nature of the situation due to the severity of the offence and the significant penalties that may follow if found guilty. Seeking expert legal advice early on increases your chances of avoiding charges, or can help to ensure that you receive the lowest possible sentence. At Draycott Browne, our nationally respected team of expert solicitors can build a strong defence strategy on your behalf.
We can offer support regardless of which stage of the process you are in, whether you are yet to be arrested or have already been charged and are facing trial. The criminal defence team at Draycott Browne provides tailored help and guidance to protect your legal rights; whether you need advice on what to say during a police interview, or need representation in court, we are well known for delivering excellent results for our clients. Our early involvement can be the key to achieving the most favourable outcome available, so contact us immediately for clear and effective advice. We are available 24/7 and can represent you wherever you are in England and Wales.