Internet Fraud and Cyber Crime Lawyers
Our Internet Fraud Lawyers and Cyber Crime Solicitors offer expert legal advice for any individuals accused of committing internet fraud or another crime online.
Technology is advancing at an astounding pace, and the law surrounding cyber crime is also evolving rapidly. Specialist knowledge and skills are required to effectively defend accusations of cybercrime.
Cases involving cyber crimes often require a tech-savvy defence to prove that it was not you who set up a website, sent an email, or carried out an online transaction.
If you or someone you know is facing internet fraud or cybercrime accusations, contact our specialist team on +44 (0)161 228 2244 for immediate assistance. Alternatively, fill out our contact form to arrange for one of our solicitors to get in touch as soon as possible.
Credit card fraud on the internet
There are many forms of online fraud, but here we specifically mean those cases of internet fraud that relate to credit card fraud - for example, obtaining individuals' credit card details by online deception and then using them to make payments, buy goods and transfer money.
Online credit card fraud itself can take many forms. For example, different fraudsters involved in different incidences of internet fraud might:
- Use stolen cards for online transactions, including ordering goods online and transferring money or requesting a cash advance on the card.
- Buy and sell databases of stolen credit card details via websites on the 'dark web' which can then be used to create counterfeit cards.
- Set up websites and send out emails to commit 'phishing' attacks, in an attempt to gain enough details from an individual to clone their card.
Clearly internet fraud can overlap with cases of real-world credit card fraud too, but some acts - such as sending out phishing emails or setting up fake websites to collect people's card details - can only be committed online.
At Draycott Browne we have over 20 years' experience in defending all kinds of credit card fraud allegations on behalf of our clients. Accusations of online credit card fraud in particular need up-to-date expertise in order to mount a successful defence.
By continually updating our practices and procedures and keeping abreast of developments in internet credit card fraud in Manchester and across the north-west, we make sure we have the necessary know how to build your defence.
How our cyber crime solicitors can help?
Cyber crime offences are immediately made complex by the nature of the technology involved.
A lack of understanding around technology makes being accused of a cyber crime particularly worrying. The whole case is immediately made more complex with the introduction of technology, and this only serves to add to what is already a stressful time for anyone.
Our serious crime solicitors have worked on a wide variety of cyber crime cases. We know exactly what is required to help you and give everyone involved a complete understanding of the pertinent facts in the case.
Our team is available 24/7 to provide you with specialist guidance and support including:
- Representing you at the police station
- Ensuring your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly throughout the process
- Advising you on your plea
- Applying for any bail and ensuring the impact of any conditions is minimised
- Ensuring you are fully prepared for your trial
- Providing expert representation in court
- Helping you protect your reputation
- Advising and assisting you on the appeals process, if necessary.
We understand how stressful the process of being accused of a serious crime can be. Our skilled, experienced legal team will work tirelessly to ensure you and your family are treated with empathy and respect at all times.
What is cyber crime?
Cyber crime refers to crimes which are committed online. This is an area of law which is evolving quickly as our use of technology expands.
Although offences which fall under this category are very diverse, there are two main groups:
- Computer as a target
Highly skilled technical knowledge required to carry out sophisticated hacks, malware, viruses etc.
- Computer as a tool
Emails scams, theft and harassment type crimes.
Cyber-dependant crimes – offences which are ‘cyber’ in nature and can only be committed by using Information and Communication Technology devices (e.g. computer, mobile phones, tablets etc.).
Examples include:
- Hacking to gain unlawful access to a computer or network
- Use of malware (malicious software) to interfere with a computer’s functionality, e.g. spreading viruses, use of ransomware, use of spyware
- Cyber-enabled crimes – ‘traditional’ offences which can be committed both offline and online. Examples of these offences include:
- Fraud, e.g. financial fraud, identity theft and romance fraud
- Trademark and copyright infringement
- Making, distributing or downloading indecent images
- Cyber bullying
- Cyber stalking or harassment
- Sexual grooming
- Cyber crimes on social media platforms
As cybercrime covers a wide range of situations, you may find charges being brought against you under various pieces of legislation. Some cases may also involve cross-border and possibly even extradition issues, which can make the situation particularly complex. It is therefore vital that you seek expert advice and representation from an Internet Fraud Lawyer who is experienced in this area, ideally before any charges are brought.
What is the computer misuse act 1990?
While the popularity and relevance of computer crime has risen dramatically in the last decade, the legislation that defines many of the offences dates back to 1990. The Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) outlines a number of criminal acts relating to the improper use of computers, and it is common for these cases to be overseen by more than one authority. The coronavirus pandemic has brought cybercrime to the forefront of many awareness campaigns, and being aware of the legislation is as vital as ever.
The offences defined in the CMA can be divided in:
- Section 1 - unauthorised access to computer material. It is a criminal offence to use a computer to access any material without proper authorisation. It is necessary that the offender had knowledge of the lack of authorisation, and this act carries a sentence of up to 2 years’ imprisonment.
- Section 2 - unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate further offences. This definition adds to a Section 1 offence by proving the intent of the offender to facilitate a further, serious offence, such as accessing material with the intent to blackmail an individual or organisation. Section 2 offences carry a penalty of up to 5 years’ imprisonment.
- Section 3 - unauthorised acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to impairing, operation of a computer. It is a criminal offence to impair the operation or hinder access to any computer - or data or program in a computer, or facilitate any such acts for a third party. Relevant Section 3 cases involve DDoS attacks, and can involve imprisonment up to 10 years.
- Section 3ZA - unauthorised acts causing, or creating risk of, serious damage. This can be aggravated if serious danger to human life or national security exists. Normally, Section 3ZA offences carry up to a 14 years’ imprisonment sentence, but a life sentence can be imposed for particularly serious cases.
- Section 3A - Making, supplying, or obtaining articles for use in offence under Section 1, 3, or 3ZA. While the CMA does not define such articles, other pieces of legislation have described the term as anything that contains data or a program in electronic form.
Further parts of the legislation define liability for the crime, requiring proof of significant links to a home country of the victim or the accused. Geographical location of offender, victim, or server used as part of a criminal offence will usually qualify as a significant link.
What is a cryptocurrency crime?
Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new reality in the cyber landscape, and they can be the subject of confusion and speculation. These virtual currencies have come to be extremely popular, and their criminal use has become more apparent as their use becomes more common.
They lend themselves to be used for cybercriminal activities because of their anonymous and pseudonymous nature. Because they lack a connection to real-world identities and assets, they often become the vessel for activities such as tax evasion, money laundering, fraud, and cyber attacks - such as ransomware.
The rise in cybercrime involving cryptocurrencies has brought the UK Government to create a Cryptoasset Taskforce in 2018, with the aim to oversee and regulate the impact that digital currencies may have on Her Majesty’s Treasury, the Bank Of England, and the Financial Conduct Authority.
If you have been accused of committing a cyber crime involving the use of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, contact our expert Cyber Crime Lawyers today.
24 hour availability
It is not always possible to predict an arrest, which is why our legal advisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At Draycott Browne we have a team of professionals ready to assist you whenever you need us. We will represent you at the police station and thereafter to make sure you and your case are treated fairly and appropriately.
Legal aid
Unexpected legal fees can come as a nasty and expensive surprise. To assist you with the financial cost of defending your name, we can help you apply for legal aid to enable you to focus on what really matters. Our solicitors at Draycott Browne can guide you through the application process so that you have the best chance of receiving the financial assistance you need.
Contact our Cyber Crime Solicitors
If you or someone you know is facing charges related to computer or Internet crime, it is essential that you engage the expertise of professional criminal defence lawyers who will be able to help and advise you on a defence strategy as soon as possible. Contact us today by calling +44 (0)161 228 2244. If you would like us to contact you, simply fill in our online enquiry form and a member of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.
We are highly regarded nationally across the legal profession and noted for consistently delivering positive results for our clients. Our expert Cyber Crime Solicitors regularly act for clients in Manchester, Preston, Blackpool, Liverpool, Leeds, Nottingham, Birmingham, and London. As a recognised criminal defence law firm we can represent you wherever you live in England and Wales.
By entrusting us, you can be assured that you will be working with a team of highly skilled and experienced Serious Crime Solicitors who have a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of this area of law.
Our legal team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need expert legal advice or representation, call us in confidence now. When you are facing the stiffest challenges, you cannot afford to settle for anything less than Draycott Browne.